Encodya gameplay
Encodya gameplay

The environments are all designed excellently and are beautiful to look at. The visual style is pretty charming and beautiful. Some of the heavier objects Tina won’t be able to pick up, so SAM needs to do that, while some things requiring fine motor skills or small spaces would require you to interact with as Tina.įrom what I recall, there are no minigames that would require quick reactions or needing to solve some puzzles on a separate screen, but there is a riddle in one part of the game and a few instances of you needing to search an in-game computer for the right info.įrom information I found on Steam, turns out some of the puzzles in the game are randomized and could have slightly different solutions when you play through the game again. For example, robot NPCs are better to talk to as SAM, because Tina won’t understand what they’re saying, while some of the human NPCs would refuse to speak to a machine and you’d have to talk to them as Tina. This is a nice layer of gameplay, because some NPCs and some parts of the environment will respond differently to whether you’re interacting as Tina or as SAM. You’ll always be controlling one of them, while the other follows, and you can switch between them at will. The game has you play as both characters at all times. These hints provide additional help, although they won’t always help with the exact issue that you’ve got at that very moment.

#Encodya gameplay how to

The easy mode allows you, when controlling Tina, to ask SAM for hints on how to progress. There are also 2 or 3 pixel hunts too where the needed item is very small and is laying on the floor or somewhere in the environment where it’s hard to spot, so at times you’d have to pay very close attention and hover your cursor over the whole screen to find what you need. Generally, most of the puzzles are quite logical and won’t keep you stuck for long, but there are a few here and there that could seem a bit moon-logic-y and might keep you stuck for some time. There are many items to pick up too, some of which are redherring items that serve no purpose at all and are only there to mislead you. Other things won’t be revealed to you and need to be found by exploring the environment. Many of them can reveal things to you that can help you to solve one of the puzzles to further plot. There are no story choices to make, so you can safely exhaust all dialogue options with NPCs to make sure you got all the needed information from them. We have several locations to fast travel to on the map, each one spanning several screens, and in them we can interact with parts of the environment and talk to the NPCs. The gameplay is a classic point and click. There are also a few instances of characters breaking the 4th wall, which I personally am not a fan of as it can break immersion, but at times it’s delivered in a fun and humourous way. I personally thought the first half of the game was more interesting, when we roam the neon-lit cyberpunk streets and attempt to uncover more about the plot, rather than the second half, which we spend mainly in cyberspace.

encodya gameplay

It’s more family-friendly with its tone and so would suit the younger audience well. The overall story is rather decent and leading characters have a charm to them, although don’t expect big story twists or tension. It’s more or less the same kind of cyberpunk world we’re used to seeing but with its own reasons for how the world became that way. The game presents an interesting cyberpunk world where people are obsessed with cyberspace and spend all their waking hours inside it, simultaneously while other people are living in poverty or have personal problems. He is pretty much a two-dimensional villain and so might seem a bit too cartoon-like and uninteresting to most players.

encodya gameplay

They need to be one step ahead of him at all times if they are to succeed. Their mission is not without its dangers, however, and the greedy city mayor by the name of Rumpf appears to be looking for the same thing as they do.

encodya gameplay

Without any second thoughts, Tina and SAM embark on this mission, one that could change life in Neo Berlin forever. However, she soon comes across an encoded message from her dad, who might or might not still be alive and who has a mission for her. Tina tries to get by on the streets of Neo Berlin after losing both of her parents, and it is very difficult. This setting we see through the eyes of two characters – a 9-year old girl called Tina, who is living on the streets, and her nanny robot SAM-53.

Encodya gameplay